6月1日バングルバングル day3

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夕暮れのバングルバングルと、今回の相棒Redsands Camperのランドクルーザープラド
Bungle Bungle at dusk and this time his partner Redsands Camper Land Cruiser Prado.


バングルバングルの撮影も3日目 撮影はノリノリになって来ました

6月1日も朝のルーティンはバングルバングル ピキニカリークリークの渓谷での撮影です。この日も3時起床です


Day three of the Bungle Bungle shoot, and we're getting into the groove of filming.
Our equipment, vehicles and physical condition are perfect.

The morning routine for 1 June is another shoot in the Bungle Bungle Piccaninny Creekvalley. Again, we're up at 3am.
It's hot during the day, but quite cold at night, so I bring my Montbell severe-winter sleeping bag. It's a good, restful night's sleep.
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However, the distance of the trek through the valley increases daily, so we walk with two to three litres of water. And when the water is half full, we return to the car.
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Breakfast is instant pasta at camp. It's already a morning staple.

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朝ご飯を食べた後は、キャンプ場からバングルバングルの国立公園の反対側に位置する渓谷 Echidna Gorgeの撮影に行きます。レインジャーからお昼前後は太陽が真上からさすので、岩が綺麗よと言われたので向かいます。ただこのゴージ ガレバがすごいのと、風の通りが悪いのでものすごい熱いので、水をたくさん持って歩きます。

12:30 太陽は真上からさして、岩が綺麗に見えました
因みに記念写真は超広角XF8mmを使い 自撮りしました 

After breakfast, we go to photograph Echidna Gorge, a gorge located on the other side of the Bungle Bungle National Park from the campsite. Rainier told me that the sun shines directly overhead around noon and the rocks are beautiful, so I head there. However, the Gorge Gareva is very hot because it is very steep and the wind is poor, so we walk with a lot of water.The entrance to the canyon is a huge red rock and palm trees are growing. As you walk on, the canyon narrows to barely enough for one person to pass through. When we reached the deepest part of the canyon 12:30 The sun was shining right above us and the rocks looked beautiful!

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Return to the campsite for a short rest. Prepare for evening and night photography. The evening view is taken at the strange rock formations near the campsite, then we head back to Piccaninny Creek for a moonlit night shoot. But as the winter solstice is near, sunset is at about 1630. This is a very easy time schedule for shooting.
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キャンプに戻り夕ご飯 この日もよいのが撮れたので、お月様とビールで乾杯です。

Back at camp, supper. We have toasted the moon and beer, as we got some good shots of the day.
Thanks to the fridge in the car, we can eat vegetables and meat. When I can eat a proper meal, I feel more motivated to work!

今回の旅の相棒 ランドクルーザー プラドRedSandsCamperのことはこのリンクをご覧ください

See this link for more information about this travel companion Land Cruiser Prado RedSandsCamper.

撮影協力 カンタス航空 西オーストラリア州政府観光局
Special Thanks by Qantas Airways  and Tourism Western Australia

相原正明撮りおろしのkoji note From OITA 相原正明 フォトエッセイ  ぜひお楽しみください

富士フイルムさんのX シリーズフェイスブックで 和の写心(毎週水曜日更新)を連載中。「イイネ」押してくださいね

ブログランキング応援クリックお願いします。応援たくさんしていただけるとたくさん写真がアップされます 笑

by masabike | 2023-08-14 08:13 | | Comments(0)
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