5月30日 いざバングルバングルへ Kununura~Bangle Bangle

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5月30日 いざバングルバングルへ Kununura~Bangle Bangle_f0050534_07521119.jpg

キャンプ地 レイクサイドキャラバンパークは湖に面しているので、撮影現場まで徒歩30歩

Campsite Lakeside Caravan Park is on the lake, 30 walk to the filming site.
Very easy campsite.

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5月30日 いざバングルバングルへ Kununura~Bangle Bangle_f0050534_07511539.jpg

9時前に出発。街で車の燃料を満タンに。途中もう1ヶ所 ガソリンスタンド(オーストラリア流だとぺトロールステーション)があるのですが、奥地なのでものすごく高いので。再びビクトリアハイウエイからグレートノーザンハイウエイを西に向かいます。そしてバングルバングに入り前に最後のガソリンスタンド Warmunで給油口からこぼれるまで満タンにします。これから5日間 奥地で無給油で走るので、しっかり航続距離1200km無給油を確保します。ちなみにランクルプラド 150Lの燃料タンクでアベレージ8.5km/Lです

Breakfast was soup and bananas. There is also a café in the campsite, so I bought coffee there. I will probably not be able to drink coffee in this world for a while.

We left before 9am. Filled up the car in town. There is another petrol station on the way, but it is very expensive because of the remote location. From the Victoria Highway again, head west on the Great Northern Highway. We fill up at Warmun, the last petrol station before entering Banglebung, until the petrol spills out of the tank. We will be driving without refuelling in the backcountry for the next five days, so we will ensure that we have 1200km of range without refuelling. Incidentally, Lancre Prado, with a 150L fuel tank, averages 8.5km/L.

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Entrance to Bungle Bungle, 50 km west of Warmun. The drive is a warning and a notice that there is nowhere to stay if you haven't booked a campsite online. But nowadays, everything is booked online. It's difficult to travel as you please and as the wind blows, like in the old days, even in such a remote area. It's a sad and lonely thing.

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グレートノーザンハイウエイ入り口から公園のエントリーをするレインジャーステーションまでは約50km強。超極悪路 あと川渡が2~3ヶ所あります。おおむね2時間半ぐらいかかります。今回この極悪路を超えるためと1200kmの無給油のドライビングレンジを確保するためにランクルプラドを借りました。ハイラックスでは駄目です。まして見てくれだけの、BMWやメルセデスの4WDでは無理です。そしてランドクルーザーのすごいところはスペックだけではなく、そのロジスティックスです。壊れた場合でもかなり辺境地でもパーツが手に入る、あるいはエアーサービスで短時間で届くことです


From the Great Northern Highway entrance to the Rainier Station where the park entry is made is just over 50km. Very rough road There are also two or three river crossings. It takes about two and a half hours. We rented a Lancre Prado this time to get over this extremely bad road and to have a driving range of 1200 km without refuelling. A Hilux will not do. Nor can a BMW or Mercedes 4WD, which only looks good. And the great thing about the Land Cruiser is not just its specs, but its logistics. Even if it breaks down, parts are available even in the most remote areas, or can be delivered in a short time by air service!

I'm very nervous about how I'm going to drive on extremely bad roads. But after a while of driving, I noticed that the roads are better than in 2019, and there are not so many gullies anymore, whereas there used to be stones as big as a person's head strewn around. And the average speed is about 50 km/h.

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The river crossing on the way to the station took about one and a half hours to reach the raingear station, having done so without incident. Surprisingly, it was a piece of cake: when we first came here in 1994, we had a big row in the river with the Jimny, with water even getting inside the car. It was a good old-fashioned story. Up to the Ranger Station, you register for the park entry and confirm accommodation at the campsite. It's a World Heritage Site, so things are a lot tougher.

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5月30日 いざバングルバングルへ Kununura~Bangle Bangle_f0050534_07523447.jpg
キャンプサイトは個人とグループツアーと別れています。あと基本 発電機の使用とかは禁止です。でも今回驚いたのが携帯電話がつながることです。理由は近くに高級グランピングキャンプサイトができたので、電波が届きます。なので奥様に毎日生存確認のお電話ができました


This time it is Walardi campsite, about 15 km from the Rainier Station. There are only toilets and a water point (not drinkable), but it is very helpful in life to have water.
Campsites are separated into individual and group tours. Also, basically, the use of generators is not allowed. But what surprised me this time was the mobile phone connection. The reason is that a luxury glamping camp site was built nearby, so there is a signal. So I was able to call my wife every day to check if she was still alive!

After arriving, we immediately set up the tent and had a quick lunch. A cold Coke is the best treat!
After that, it's immediately on to filming!

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5月30日 いざバングルバングルへ Kununura~Bangle Bangle_f0050534_07520272.jpg

バングルバングルのゴージの手前まで車で行けます。そのあとは撮影御ポイントまで小1時間 カチカチに焼けたフライパンのような岩場を歩きます。水を2L近く持ち歩き、水が半分になったら必ず車に戻るようにします

今回これでバングルバングルに来るのは7回目です オージーでも7回バングルバングルはいないと思います www

You can drive to the front of the Bungle Bungle Gorge. After that, it's a short hour's walk to the photo point, over rocky terrain that resembles a burnt frying pan. We carry almost 2 litres of water and make sure we return to the car when the water is half full!

But for the first time in four years, I feel at home. The sweet smell of dry grass, the cry of magpies echoing through the gorges. The bright red rocks and the stratospheric sky. I'm home! I want to say.
This is the seventh time I've been to Bungle Bungle, and I don't think there are seven Bungle Bungle's in the Aussie. www.
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5月30日 いざバングルバングルへ Kununura~Bangle Bangle_f0050534_07512000.jpg
1994年に来たときは、ジムニーでしかも途中の極悪路でキャンプ用ストーブが壊れて調理ができず、5日間 毎日ぱさぱさのパンとビスケットと生暖かい水だけでした。その1994年の最後の夜に、ほかのキャンパーから冷たいビールのお裾分けをいただいた、あの味は一生忘れません。いまはそれを思うと天国です。一生懸命撮影しないと


After a moonlight shoot, we return to camp for dinner. Thanks to the fridge, we can enjoy steaks, cold beer and wine in the bungle bungle!
When we came here in 1994, we couldn't cook because our camp stove was broken on the way to the camp in a Jimny and on a very bad road, so we had only crusty bread, biscuits and warm water every day for five days. I will never forget the taste of the cold beer we were offered by other campers on the last night of 1994. Now I'm in heaven when I think about it. We have to shoot hard.

The filming gradually reaches its climax.

今回の旅の相棒 ランドクルーザー プラドRedSandsCamperのことはこのリンクをご覧ください

See this link for more information about this travel companion Land Cruiser Prado RedSandsCamper.

撮影協力 カンタス航空 西オーストラリア州政府観光局
Special Thanks by Qantas Airways  and Tourism Western Australia

相原正明撮りおろしのkoji note From OITA 相原正明 フォトエッセイ  ぜひお楽しみください

富士フイルムさんのX シリーズフェイスブックで 和の写心(毎週水曜日更新)を連載中。「イイネ」押してくださいね

ブログランキング応援クリックお願いします。応援たくさんしていただけるとたくさん写真がアップされます 笑

by masabike | 2023-07-26 07:44 | | Comments(0)
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