Long Goodbye Barry

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今回のオーストラリアロケにはもう1つ別の目的があった。今年2月亡くなったタスマニアの大親友 Barryさんの散骨式に出席するため。今回 偶然にもタスマニア行くフライトを6月10日着で予約した。タスマニアのBarryさんの長女meghanの予約を連絡すると「Masa!丁度いい日よ。翌日はBarryの散骨式だから、長い友人のあなたも参加して」と言われ参加させていただいた

そうBarryさんと会ったのは1998年3月。オーストラリア政府観光局の主催するメディアツアーでタスマニアを訪れたときだった。彼はその時、タスマニア州政府観光局のランドオペレーター。5日間撮影と取材に同行してもらった。それまではオーストラリア本土のアウトバックと呼ばれる荒野と砂漠が、僕の撮影のメインステージ。タスマニアは初めてだった。着いて驚いたのが気候風土が別の国。森と湖に囲まれた大地だった。タスマニアの取材の間、彼の自宅にも案内されとても親切にして頂いた。それから3年後、2001年1月 僕はタスマニアを再訪した。前年2000年シドニーオリンピックがあり、その関係でオーストラリアイベンとがらみの写真展が17回あり、忙しくて1回もオーストラリアに行けなかった。なので撮影よりも森と湖でのんびりキャンプしたくなったのでタスマニアを再訪した。


There was another purpose to the Australian location this time. To attend the scattering of the ashes of Barry, a great friend from Tasmania who passed away in February this year. I happened to have booked a flight to Tasmania for 10 June. When I contacted Barry's eldest daughter meghan in Tasmania about the booking, she said, "Masa! The next day is Barry's ashes scattering ceremony and you, my long-time friend, should join us".
Barry's ceremony was held on his beloved yacht. His three children Brett, Cameron and Meghan were on the yacht, with his second son Cameron at the helm. And the place where the bones were scattered was.
The scattering took place off the beach at his beloved Bellrive, which is also where Barry's house was located. I was on Barry's yacht with the three of us. When I met him last September, he told me, "Masa, next time we will go to the sea on my yacht and eat oysters and lobster". But it turned out to be an unfulfilled dream. Sailing on his yacht, the last 25 years crossed my mind like a running light.

I met Barry in March 1998. I met Barry in March 1998 when he visited Tasmania on a media tour organised by Tourism Australia. He was then a Land Operator for Tourism Tasmania, who was asked to accompany me for five days of filming and interviews. Until then, the main stage of my filming had been in the wilderness and deserts of the Australian mainland, known as the Outback. This was my first time in Tasmania. When I arrived, I was surprised to find that it was a different country with a different climate. The land was surrounded by forests and lakes. During the interview in Tasmania, I was taken to his home and he was very kind to me. Three years later, in January 2001, I visited Tasmania again. The previous year, in 2000, the Sydney Olympics had taken place and there were 17 photo exhibitions related to Australian events. So I wanted to go back to Tasmania because I wanted to relax and camp in the forests and lakes rather than take photographs.

I then contacted Barry and asked him to arrange car hire and accommodation for me. When I rejoined him at Hobart Airport, he said, "A lot of media will come to Tasmania again!" and return home, but few revisit. So we are very happy to have Masa back." I was told at the airport. While camping in Tasmania, I met the tree of destiny. A dead tree in the mountains of Tasmania. I felt like I was called by this tree. And I decided to photograph Tasmania with this tree at the centre of my work.

The Japanese for the photograph in the letter to Barry is.
'Thank you Barry for being my friend for 25 years, without you I wouldn't be able to photograph Tasmania. Thank you again.

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After the Tasmanian Forest camp, I returned to Hobart and found the tree that was destined for me and I want to photograph Tasmanian works around this tree. So I told Barry that I would be coming to Tasmania many times in the future. He then said, "If you are going to come many times, you should stay at my house because it will be hard to pay for accommodation and other expenses. And you can leave the camping equipment you need for filming at home. That way you won't need to carry so much luggage. That was the start of my life in Tasmania and I was treated like family by all of Barry's family. If I hadn't met Barry, I wouldn't have been able to concentrate so much on Tasmania. And I wouldn't have been able to do so many Tasmanian films in the last 25 years. I often get asked in rural Tasmania, "What? Are you a friend of Barry's? If so, I'll do something about it".

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そして散骨式  僕はタスマニアの海に向かって、仏教式に手を合わせ花束を投げた。そしてそのあと友人の代表で答辞を指名された。海外でしかも大切な友人の最後のはなむけの言葉をさせてもらえるとは思わなかった。冬のタスマニアにしては珍しく快晴の空だったのに、なぜか眼のまえに雨が降っているみたいで、濡れた目でビーチが見えなくなった
そして日本と同じように最後 お清めでみんなで船上でワインやビールとオイスター やミートパイをほおばりながらBarryさんの思いで話をした

Barryさん 本当に25年間 ありがとう。長い友達でした、そしてこれからも長い友達の思い出として忘れないよ
Barry Long Goodbye


The scattering ceremony was attended by many of his family, relatives and friends. As not everyone could fit on the yacht, an accompanying cruise boat was hired and the scattering ceremony took place.
All of Barry's ashes dissolved into the Tasmanian sea. When I asked Meghan, his eldest daughter, "Aren't you going to make a grave?" She replied, "If we build a grave, it will be difficult for everyone to see each other at any time. If we put his ashes in the ocean on this Tasmanian beach, anyone can see him whenever they come to the beach".
I put my hands together and threw a bouquet of flowers in a Buddhist ceremony towards the Tasmanian sea. Afterwards, I was nominated to give a speech on behalf of my friends. I didn't think I would be allowed to give the final farewell speech to my dear friend abroad. The sky was unusually clear for Tasmania in winter, but for some reason it felt like it was raining right in front of my eyes, and I couldn't see the beach with my wet eyes.
And just like in Japan, we had a final purification ceremony with wine and beer on board, oysters and meat pies, and Barry's memories were shared.
Some of Barry's relatives and friends said "Barry was always talking about you. A great photographer and a proud friend."
I was speechless.

Barry, thank you so much for 25 years. You were a long time friend and I will always remember you as a long time friend.
Barry Long Goodbye

A few days later my second son Cameron told me that Barry had come home. What? I said, "The bouquet that Masa threw was washed up on the beach at Bellrive the next day, I think Barry came back". My eyes lit up again.

相原正明撮りおろしのkoji note From OITA 相原正明 フォトエッセイ  ぜひお楽しみください

富士フイルムさんのX シリーズフェイスブックで 和の写心(毎週水曜日更新)を連載中。「イイネ」押してくださいね

ブログランキング応援クリックお願いします。応援たくさんしていただけるとたくさん写真がアップされます 笑

by masabike | 2023-06-23 19:01 | タスマニア | Comments(0)
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