視点の変化 エイジング

視点の変化 エイジング_f0050534_10375670.jpg


Mole Creek, Tasmania

Special Thank
Tourism Tasmania

3年ぶりのオーストラリアロケ。いろいろ不安もあった。コロナ対応とコロナ対策。現地で感染した場合などの多くを想定した。でも一番大きな不安というか不確定要素は、コロナ禍になぅって以来20日間のロケというのが無かった。しかも海外。撮影のペース配分 撮影勘 集中力 数え上げたらきりがない。



逆に3年ぶりの撮影だからと、少し余裕を持って臨んだことで、がつがつ感がなくなり、今まで見過ごしていたものが見えてきた。あるいは3年間の現地の環境の変化で、撮れなくなったポイントもあったが、逆にそれはあたらしいポイント、視点に眼を向けなさいというオーストラリアの神様の教えだと持った。万事 塞翁が馬。今までの作品よりもすこしエイジングした視点で撮ることができた。コロナ禍でロケに行けない間の、毎日のできる範囲での撮影 そして行けたらこんなものを撮りたいというイメージトレーニングがプラスに働いてくれた。


I went on location in Australia for the first time in three years. I had a lot of concerns, because of the corona response and corona preparedness. I had a lot of assumptions, like if I had a corona outbreak there. But my biggest fear, or uncertainty, was that I hadn't been on location for 20 days since the coronary disaster. And overseas. The pacing of the shoot, the shooting instincts, concentration... the list goes on and on.

No matter how much I shoot every day in Japan, filming on location in Australia is very different. It's like the difference between the national championships and the Olympics.

However, I had not lost my shooting instincts.

I, on the contrary, had a bit of leeway because it was my first time filming in three years, which made me feel less gung-ho and allowed me to see things that I had previously overlooked. There were also some points that I could no longer photograph due to changes in the local environment over the past three years, but I took this as a lesson from the Australian gods to look at new points and perspectives. Everything is better than nothing. I was able to shoot from a slightly older perspective than in my previous works. During the time when I couldn't go on location due to the Corona disaster, I took photos as much as I could every day and the image training that I did when I could go was a positive thing.

My enjoyable 20 days on location. And the results are oozing out of the work, like my children, that I'm editing back home

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

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ブログランキング応援クリックお願いします。応援たくさんしていただけるとたくさん写真がアップされます 笑

by masabike | 2022-09-22 10:49 | 写真アート | Comments(0)
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